
news/2024/7/7 11:29:06

toLocaleString is a built-in JavaScript method used to convert the date and time to a string using the system locales. 🤓🚀

toLocaleString是内置JavaScript方法,用于使用系统区域设置将日期和时间转换为字符串。 🤓🚀

It can be used with the following JavaScript types 💪:


  • Dates/Time

  • Numbers

  • Objects

  • Arrays


带有日期和时间的toLocaleString (toLocaleString with Dates and Time 🚀)

With dates/time objects, toLocaleString has a syntax like this and returns a string 🔥👉:

对于日期/时间对象, toLocaleString具有如下语法,并返回字符串🔥👉:

dateObject.toLocaleString(locales, options)
  • locales: An optional string that specifies a language-specific format. Some valid values are ar-SA (for Arabic), en-US (for US English), hi-IN (for Hindi), jp-JP (for Japanese), etc.

    locales :一个可选的字符串,指定特定于语言的格式。 一些有效值是ar-SA (对于阿拉伯语), en-US (对于美国英语), hi-IN (对于印地语), jp-JP (对于日语)等。

  • options: An optional object of options. Some valid properties that can be included in this are dateStyle with values of full, long, medium and short. Other possible properties are timeStyle, weekday, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, etc.

    optionsoptions的可选对象。 可以包含在其中的一些有效属性是dateStyle ,其值为fulllongmediumshort 。 其他可能的属性是timeStyleweekdayyearmonthdayhourminutesecond等。

例子😍 (Example 😍)

const date = new Date();

// 11/10/2019, 4:32:44 PM

// 10/11/2019, 4:32:44 pm

// 10.11.2019 à 16:32:44

const options = {
  weekday: 'long',
  era: 'long'

console.log(date.toLocaleString(`en-US`, options)); 
// Sunday Anno Domini

console.log(date.toLocaleString(`hi-IN`, options));
// ईसवी सन रविवार

console.log(date.toLocaleString(`fr-CH`, options));
// après Jésus-Christ dimanche

带数字的toLocaleString🚀 (toLocaleString with Numbers 🚀)

With numbers, toLocaleString is used to convert the numbers into a locale-specific number representation. It has syntax something like the following and returns a string 🔥👉:

对于数字, toLocaleString用于将数字转换为特定于语言环境的数字表示形式。 它具有如下语法,并返回字符串 🔥👉:

number.toLocaleString(locales, options)
  • locales: An optional string the specifies the locale.

    locales :可选字符串,指定区域设置。

  • options: An optional object that can contain properties such as localeMatcher with values lookup and best fit. Other valied properties are style, currency, useGrouping, minimumSignificantDigits, etc.

    options :一个可选对象,可以包含具有值lookupbest fit值的属性(例如localeMatcher 。 其他标称属性是stylecurrencyuseGroupingminimumSignificantDigits等。

例子😍 (Example 😍)

const number = 12345.678;

// 12,345.678

// 12 345,678

console.log(number.toLocaleString('en-US', {
  style: 'currency',
  currency: 'USD'   // With currency, the currency code is also required
}));  // $12,345.68

console.log(number.toLocaleString('hi-IN', {
  style: 'currency',
  currency: 'INR'
}));  // ₹12,345.68

console.log(number.toLocaleString('en-US', {
  style: 'currency',
  currency: 'USD',
  maximumSignificantDigits: 2
}));  // $12,000

带有数组的toLocaleString (toLocaleString with Arrays 🚀)

With arrays, toLocaleString is used to convert them into a locale-specific representation. The syntax is as follows and once again a string is returned 🔥👉:

对于数组, toLocaleString用于将它们转换为特定于语言环境的表示形式。 语法如下,并再次返回一个字符串 🔥👉:

array.toLocaleString(locales, options)
  • locales: An optional string specifying the locale.

    locales :一个可选的字符串,指定区域设置。

  • options: An optional object of the same options available to numbers and dates.

    options :一个可选对象,具有与数字和日期相同的选项。

例子😍 (Example 😍)

const arr = [12345678, new Date(), "alligators"];
  style: 'currency',
  currency: 'EUR',
  era: 'long'

//  12 345 678,00 €,10 11 2019 après Jésus-Christ à 18:30:03,alligators

const arr2 = [12345678, new Date(), "alligators"];
  style: 'currency',
  currency: 'USD',
  era: 'long'

//  $12,345,678.00,11 10, 2019 Anno Domini, 6:31:56 PM,alligators

Note: If locale is omitted or left undefined than the default system locale is used. 🧪

注意:如果省略了语言环境或未定义语言环境,则使用默认的系统语言环境。 🧪

🥓 Now what’s left is to make sure your targeted browsers support the toLocaleString method.

🥓现在剩下的就是确保目标浏览器支持toLocaleString方法 。

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/js-using-tolocalestring




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